:; finger a@9srv.net

Login:  a			Real name: Anthony Sorace
Last login: Apr 18 14:03
pgp/gpg key fingerprint:
	139B 6C44 F4E4 EC34 35F5  796E CAB6 F9D9 BE65 AECE

twtxt:	2024-04-04T23:08:01-07:00
	Just over here writing my Senator's office to see if we can get a new Federally Funded R&D Center created. 😳🤞

Plan 9 Foundation; 9srv.net; KaleChips; RFC 1288 update ✌︎

	6yo remains home sick (although she's out running
	around outside and hasn't had a fever all day, so 🤞 on
	tomorrow), so I'm not getting a whole lot else done.

	I'm still trying to get my $home/src/cmd/mkfile fixed.
	It's a mishmash of things imported from a few sources,
	and I've let it get too much of a mess. Now I can't get
	it to recognize additional dependencies on targets
	(like litclock and marquee now depending on wordwrap).

	I've managed to screw up all my Raspberry Pi SD cards
	(except the one in my main terminal, which I don't want
	to mess with) and haven't been able to get either
	screen I want to use for litclock working. Sigh. Going
	to keep poking; I'll probably pull an image and start
	clean, I think.

☐	Fix $home/src/cmd/mkfile.
☐	Start on the hardware incarnation of litclock.